Wie funktioniert der Kamineffekt beim AIRY?

How does the chimney effect work on the AIRY?

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In order for houseplants to free the indoor air of pollutants, the air not only has to reach their roots once and stay there, but rather it has to be “pulled past” them in large quantities.

So why not simply provide technical ventilation for the root system with a fan?

Technical systems of this type (there are a few on the market) bring with them a significant problem: the plants do not like this constant ventilation. They get, figuratively speaking, “cold feet,” catch a cold, shed their leaves and die.

To avoid this, they must be accustomed to the constant air flow over a longer period of time. But even if the plants can endure it: electricity is expensive, technology is expensive and vulnerable (electricity and moisture in one system) and fans are not silent either.

At AIRY we therefore rely on the chimney effect.

The chimney effect is a physical effect that causes vertical air currents.

For basic understanding: Warm air is less dense than cold air . There is a so-called thermal density difference between the two . The reason: When heated, substances generally expand (with the exception of water with its density anomaly), which means that the same number of particles takes up more space , which reduces the density of the substance .

With the help of a vertically aligned pipe, the direction of air flow can be influenced . As a rule , the pipe also causes the flow to accelerate . This effect is illustrated by a simple experimental setup as shown in the following video:

How and why does this work with the AIRY system?

The chimney effect at AIRY is made possible by the special shape of the outer jacket , which has been tested in numerous (year-long) series of tests and further developed to optimal functionality. Natural movement of the air is used, which exists for many reasons (sunlight, movements in the room, etc.). Important for the plant: These are natural movements, not permanent ventilation through a technical device. Plants can handle this extremely well!

If you prefer a much more technical approach to calculating the chimney effect with the AIRY:

The principle of operation of the chimney effect at AIRY can be based on the research of Dr. Fritz Otto Schmidt at the University of Rostock calculate and scientifically understand. Schmidt explains the following about his “Calculations of the Intelligent Container System (IBfG) based on the kinetic gas theory in connection with the activity of photosynthesis and enzyme development”:

“As a result of the absorption of heat through radiation intensity from outside, the black body principle, an increase in pressure inevitably occurs, as calculated, which leads to the beginning of the air flow. This process is supported and accelerated by further effects.

At the upper end of the IBfG, which is basically constructed like a Venturi tube, the exit velocity ϖ2 of the air and thus the flow rate Q can be calculated with the theoretical assumption of the average speed (ϖ1 = 0.01 m/s).

Under these conditions (Q = 0.00023 kg/s), the flow rate Q of the air is approx. 9 minutes for 1m3 and therefore approx. seven to eight hours for 50 m3.

This means that the air from a 50 m3 room passes through the IBfG in approximately 7.5 hours and at the same time flows through the top of the plant's foliage to be inhaled by the leaf stomata.

And now , after all the technical explanations, again in simple words with a little disco fog in the video:

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