AIRY produziert ab sofort in Bad Iburg (Niedersachsen)

AIRY now produces in Bad Iburg (Lower Saxony)

It's done: In the first week of August, we completely relocated our production. This laid the foundation for our further growth. ✅ The route took us from Hiddenhausen (NRW) to Bad Iburg (Lower Sa...
Transparente Luftqualität - dank air-Q 🤝

Transparent air quality - thanks to air-Q 🤝

We are often asked: can you actually measure what the AIRY systems can do? Yes, you can. With air-Q we would like to introduce you to the air measuring device, which is one of the best and mo...
Bogenhanf: Ein natürlicher Schlafverbesserer

Bow hemp: A natural sleep enhancer

The snake plant, also known as Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue, is a popular houseplant that is characterized by its robust properties and easy-care nature. Especially in the bedroom, the sna...
Wie Deine Pflanzen Deinen Urlaub überleben

How your plants survive your vacation

Are you planning your next vacation and wondering who will take care of your plants in the meantime? With AIRY, this worry is a thing of the past. Our self-watering system supplies your plants wit...
Das ist kein Blumentopf!

This is not a flowerpot!

The question is as old as AIRY itself: "Hey, what's special about your flowerpot?" And this discussion accompanies us almost every day on social media. Here is a brief explanation of why we spea...
Sorgenfrei in den Urlaub: Wie AIRY Deine Pflanzen versorgt, wenn Du auf Reisen bist

Worry-free vacation: How AIRY takes care of your plants when you travel

Are you planning your next vacation and wondering who will take care of your plants in the meantime? With AIRY, this worry is a thing of the past. Our self-watering system supplies your plants w...
Warum kommen Ringwurzeln in der Natur (und im AIRY) nicht vor?

Why do girdle roots not occur in nature (and in AIRY)?

Species-appropriate care for plants? Of course! Why do plants in pots form ring roots, thereby disrupting their own growth, and why do ring roots not occur in nature and in AIRY? Roots ha...
Welche Pflanze für welchen Raum?

Which plant for which room?

In our modern living spaces, we spend a lot of time indoors, whether at home or in the office. Unfortunately, pollutants can accumulate in closed rooms and lead to health problems. A solution? Air...
Tipps und Tricks zum Wassertank

Tips and tricks for the water tank

Dear plant lovers and friends of healthy breathing air, There have been a lot of questions about this in recent weeks, so today we're taking a look at one of the most important elements in our A...
Das VOC-ABC: T wie Toluol 🚬
Unsere Luft

The VOC ABC: T for Toluene 🚬

Why does TOLUENE particularly affect smokers 🚬, but we cannot be safe from TOLUENE even when dressing up 💃? TOLUENE is also called methylbenzene or phenylmethane and belongs to the group of arom...
Gesammelte Forschungsergebnisse

Collected research results

AIRY's work takes place in an environment that not only directly affects each of us, but is constantly around us. For a long time, however, the topic of "indoor air" was hardly researched. However,...
AIRY im Vergleich zu ...

AIRY compared to...

We are often asked what the difference is between the AIRY systems and a normal flower pot or technical devices? Here is a brief overview. AIRY vs. plants in normal pots Normal plant pots...
Effektive Luftreinigung mit AIRY: Natürlich und einfach

Effective air purification with AIRY: Natural and simple

This is not an ordinary flower pot that you see here. It is an air purifier that works with plants in an innovative way - without high electricity costs, annoying noises or regular filter changes...
AIRY im Jahrbuch der NASA

AIRY in the NASA Yearbook

NASA researched the air-purifying effect of plants back in the 1980s. One finding: the plant leaves collect pollutants, but the roots do the actual work. Then in 2018 the call came from Houston: N...
Die "NASA Clean Air Study"

The NASA Clean Air Study

What do you do when you are outside the Earth's atmosphere and still want to breathe fresh air? NASA asked itself this question back in the 1980s. The NASA Clean Air Study of 1989, led by Dr. B...
Warum Du Dich für Luftfeuchtigkeit interessieren solltest
Unsere Luft

Why you should care about humidity

Do you wake up in the morning with a dry throat, a headache or just not feeling refreshed? Then it may be because the air quality in your bedroom is poor, either due to pollutants or a lack of h...
Was wiegt 1 Liter Luft?

How much does 1 liter of air weigh?

Have you ever thought about how many kilograms of food you - purely statistically speaking - consume over the course of your life? N/a? It's 30,000 kilograms! And liquids? Three times as much, s...

Flamingo flower

The Flamingo Flower or Anthurium is a beautiful plant that will be happy if you follow the following care tips: Location: Place your Anthurium in a bright location, but without direct sun...
Was atme ich eigentlich ein?
Unsere Luft

What am I actually breathing in?

If the air is clean, you can't see, smell or taste it. It contains approximately 78 percent nitrogen gas (N 2 ), 21 percent oxygen gas (0 2 ). There is still one percent left. This is made up ...
Regenwald auf der Fensterbank

Rainforest on the windowsill

We give off carbon dioxide and take in oxygen. C0 2 against 0 2 , a perfect cycle that constantly gives us fresh breathing air. Flora also has the necessary know-how when it comes to other waste ...
Lüften. Aber bitte richtig
Unsere Luft

Ventilate. But please do it properly

First, ventilate! Does your workplace smell like the day before yesterday or your apartment smell like new sneakers? If you reach for an air freshener or other so-called air freshener, you are on...
Photosynthese - was ist das noch mal genau?

Photosynthesis – what exactly is it?

The word comes from the Greek (photos = light, synthesis = composition). Photosynthesis takes place in certain plant cells: These are mainly located in the upper and green parts of a plant and cont...
Wie funktioniert der Kamineffekt beim AIRY?

How does the chimney effect work on the AIRY?

In order for houseplants to free the indoor air of pollutants, the air not only has to reach their roots once and stay there, but rather it has to be “pulled past” them in large quantities. So why...
👑 👑 👑 Unsere drei Kostbarkeiten

👑 👑 👑 Our three treasures

One secret of the AIRY system lies in three treasures that help you breathe healthier: ZEOLITE, LAVA and PUMSE! Pumice and lava are mined in the Volcanic Eifel. Pumice and lava have a low C02 foot...
🥴 PHTALATE - die ungesunden Weichmacher
Unsere Luft

🥴 PHTALATES - the unhealthy plasticizers

Phthalates are found all around us and are mostly odorless. They sneak into the air we breathe and thus into our bodies. But they also find their way to us via food and cosmetics. They can be fou...
🥴 FORMALDEHYD - einfach überall
Unsere Luft

🥴 FORMALDEHYDE - simply everywhere

Do you live in a 🏠 NEW BUILDING or have you just RENOVATED 🎨? Then you most likely have a lot of FORMALDEHYDE in your room air. Some of these materials will off-gas 🗓️ FOR YEARS until all the FORM...
☠️ BENZOL - hochgiftig und genotoxisch
Unsere Luft

☠️ BENZOLE - highly toxic and genotoxic

Everyone probably knows the smell of benzene: it's the typical smell of gasoline at the gas station ⛽. And a real devil's work 👿: Benzene is toxic ☠️ and carcinogenic. Our body absorbs it through...
😵 AMMONIAK - stechend und ungesund 🐷🙀
Unsere Luft

😵 AMMONIA - pungent and unhealthy 🐷🙀

Good air - even if it stinks? That's rather rare. On a farm, for example, you can smell exactly where the pigs are - and a cat litter box should also be cleaned very regularly, otherwise it smells...
🍄 Ist das Schimmel oder kann das weg?! 🍄

🍄 Is that mold or can it be removed?! 🍄

Why the "mold" is usually not mold - but is actually a sign of quality. We regularly receive worried messages and photos from customers: "Help, my AIRY is full of mold!". They then describe white f...

Sword fern

Caring for a sword fern (Nephrolepis) in mineral substrate requires a few special steps to ensure the plant stays healthy and pretty. Here are a few tips: Location: Place the sword fern i...