Species-appropriate care for plants? Of course!
Why do plants in pots form ring roots, thereby disrupting their own growth, and why do ring roots not occur in nature and in AIRY?
Roots have two main functions:
- The fine root absorbs nutrients.
- The coarse root searches for water.
Unlike in a normal plant pot, roots can develop freely in nature. However, underground, there are strict rules that apply to them that protect them from drought, nutrient deficiencies, erosion, other plants and predators:
🌱 Grow until you can't go any further!
🌱 If you encounter an obstacle, grow around it!
🌱 If it doesn't go any further, stop growing at the top and form new roots!
🌱 Grow away from the origin, never back there!
🌱 Grow where it is moist and cool!
Such a maze - always along the wall...
Back to the plant pot: Its inhabitant behaves as if he were living in the wild. The roots hit the impenetrable wall, try to avoid the obstacle and inevitably grow along the inner wall.
The result: endless ring roots form - an effort that is completely ineffective and weakens the plant! The plant needs a bigger home as soon as possible so that it doesn't starve!
With AIRY, this annoying repotting is no longer necessary. But why?
The secret lies in the perforated inner pot of the AIRY biofilter. If the coarse root comes across one of these holes while searching for water, it comes into contact with air! And this causes it to stop growing and branch out again. Experts call this process air pruning.
AIR(Y) Pruning in every AIRY
The AIRY biofilter prevents the formation of ring roots. At the same time, after a certain amount of time, the coarse root finds what it is looking for and grows into the AIRY's water tank. It has thus achieved its actual goal - and leaves the space for further development to the fine roots.
As a result, this means that a plant in the AIRY system grows as naturally as it would in its natural habitat. It can develop optimally and naturally. And thanks to the very fine development of the root system, it can convert more and more pollutants into nutrients over time, in other words: your air-purifying plant becomes more powerful over the years! Fascinating, isn't it?
AIRY has been around since 2015. In all these years, we have only heard of a few cases (and seen corresponding pictures) where a plant did not care about the "air pruning" described above. In these cases, roots grew out of the lower air inlets or the plant (usually a snake plant) caused visible bumps and in one case even cracks in the pot due to its strong growth. A customer recently told us that she wanted to pot another plant in her AIRY, but could not get the existing plant out of the pot because it was so strongly grown into it. Even if the actual rule is different: these exceptions do exist.

Voilà: the plant-friendly AIRY biofilter
What does it have that other pots don’t? In short: It ensures that your plants
- thrive
- optimally clean the room air
- be watered when you are travelling
And it looks good too! You don't need any complicated technology, no electricity or filters, just plants, mineral substrate and our AIRY.